

Digital Risks

We provide services and solutions to test, remediate and monitor risks to drivers of digital trust

Simplify and accelerate digital delivery with our ready-made accelerators, frameworks and AI Driven insights

Are you a leader tasked with Digital Delivery?

What’s keeping you up at night?

Chief Digital Officer and CIO

Are you currently running or planning to run a digital transformation program? Are initiatives aligned to drive trust and value? How well are risks being managed?

Chief / Head of Digital Product

Are you a B2B product leader building your product (s) in cloud? Do you feel like you have all digital risk levers covered to earn your end-customer trust?

Global spending on the digital transformation was ~$1.8 trillion in 2022. However....


Digital Projects Failed to drive desired goals

$4.12 million

Per Company on average lost on failed, delayed or scaled-back initiatives

We partner with executives to remediate digital risks so that your digital delivery does not become a statistic. We do it through a SaaS platform-led, expert augmented approach for CIOs, CTOs and CPO's in-charge of digital delivery

Our Unique Approach

Using A Suite Of Self-Service Products And Tech-Enabled Services We Drive Digital Delivery And Remediate Risks To Digital Trust

Do With You

We believe in collaborative co-creation working as parters. We work WITH you and not TO you

Tech-Enabled Services

We eat our own dog food. We come to the table with our accelerators in areas where you need help

Self-Serve Analytical Products

You get access to a whole suite of self-serve AI/Data products to fast-track your work

Velocity with quality

Speed to value while enhancing quality is intrinsic to our hybrid approach

Business + Engineering

We combine business expertise with exceptional digital engineering


We bring grown-ups who are experts so there is no tinkering around


We are not for everyone. We specialize in driving $$$ through no-nonsense execution. If you need PPT only, we are not best fit

Deliver peace of mind

We may/may not be the ones you want to go to golf/bar with. We focus on making sure you can go there more often !

Our Services

We offer tech-enabled solutions to help you build trust equity with your stakeholders and supercharge your growth

Deliver Delight
Steward Digital Risks

Voice of the Customer Customer Research Customer Service Call Centre Improvement Segmentation & Targeting

Customer Experience

Feature Prioritization
Pricing Research
Concept Testing
Product Satisfaction
Product Onboarding and Support
Product Community

Product Experience

First-Party Data CDP Deployment
AI & Analytics
Cloud Engineering
CX / EX / PX Tech Implementation

Digital Tech Engineering

Usability Testing
Website Testing
Concept Testing
Creative Testing
Product User Journey mapping

UX / Design Experience

Compliance Assessments Security Certification Compliance Security Incident Management Third-Party Risk / Management

Load More

Accelerators : Proprietary SaaS and IP that we will use to execute

AI Enabled Research and Feedback Software. Build your own or use Pre-Defined applications for accelerated deployment
CDP Activation & Warehouse-Native Application building solution that can connect to any data warehouse, run queries against it, set-up alerts, define metrics and build dashboards to monitor
GRC Assessment solution that comes with pre-defined assessment applications for rapid deployment as well as ability to define your own assessment tools to support compliance programs
Connect to your AWS, GCP or Azure cloud accounts and automatically test against 300+ controls and generate insights to help with security and compliance
Dynamically generate powerpoint reports with native charts, dynamic text and tables by connecting to live data sources/data warehouses (any)
Add a live-chat widget to your website/various social channels to connect with customers/research subjects across multiple channels through a unified interface.

We are experts in de-risking your digital delivery. We would love to connect to know how we can help you